
The Nicola-Similkameen School District has 12 schools located in two communities – Merritt and Princeton. Within those schools, there is a diverse offering of programs including French Immersion, Aboriginal Education, Distance Education and Alternate programs.

Merritt Schools

脡cole 脡l茅mentaire Collettville

A French Immersion school where we encourage students to communicate in French at every opportunity. We teach all subjects in the BC curriculum through the medium of French. From Grade 3 on-wards, students are also introduced to reading and writing in English.

Diamond Vale Elementary

We strive to “Be the best we can be”! Working together with our parent community, we strive to offer each child a safe and supportive environment in which to foster the intellectual development of each child, develop and strengthen talents and build the skills necessary for a happy and productive life. We aim to educate the hearts and minds of our school community.

Merritt Bench Elementary School

Merritt Central Elementary School

Nicola Canford Elementary

Merritt Secondary School

We are a located in the beautiful Nicola Valley, approximately 270 km from Vancouver. We serve 600 students from Merritt and from the surrounding communities of Mamit Lake, Douglas Lake, Lower Nicola, Nooaitch, and Quilchena.

Working together, we will provide a safe, supportive environment that promotes academic success and encourages children to develop respect and appreciation for self, others and property while building pathways for lifelong learning

Kengard Learning Centre

KLC originally opened its doors as an 鈥渙pen space school” with a “student-centered classroom design.” While contrary to the more traditional classroom image of desks lined up in rows, the idea that students ‘should be allowed to learn in ways suited to their individual differences’ has remained at the core of the learning centre’s values to this day.

We runs three unique and exciting programs, the South Central Interior Distance Education School (SCIDES), an Alternative Education program (Alt. Ed), and a Continuing Education program (CE).

SCIDES Distance Education

SCIDES offers a full range of courses ranging from kindergarten to grade 12 and beyond. Programs and courses are FREE for BC residents; tuition fees only apply for international students and may apply for some courses for adults who have already graduated.

Princeton Schools

John Allison Elementary School

John Allison School is a kindergarten to grade 3 school. We provide a safe and caring place where everyone can succeed. Together we learn from our shared experiences, encourage personal growth, and value a lifetime of learning.

Vermilion Forks Elementary

Princeton Secondary

The Bridge

Visit Website

An intro about SD 58 alternate schools and programming.

Alternate Schools

The Bridge

Visit Website

SCIDES Distance Education

SCIDES offers a full range of courses ranging from kindergarten to grade 12 and beyond. Programs and courses are FREE for BC residents; tuition fees only apply for international students and may apply for some courses for adults who have already graduated.

Community Learning Centre

Located in Merritt, CLC is for high school aged students and adults who want to graduate or upgrade their skills. We help students choose the courses they need to meet their graduation program requirements and personal goals. Students have access to ‘individualized’, ‘work at home’ and ‘work at school’ programs.

CLC offers a variety of supports for younger students who face challenges in the regular school system and in their lives.

SD 58 provides a diverse offering of programs including French Immersion, Aboriginal Education, Distance Education and Alternate programs

We are continuously enhancing students’ Learning Framework